Mar 21, 2010

Ladies in White: "We´re Not Afraid of You"

Protesting for a seventh consecutive day and now accompanied by dead hunger striker's Orlando Zapata Tamayo´s mother, Cuba's Ladies in White approached the socialist regime's 'national assembly'* and demanded the release of political prisoners. What follows is a translated excerpt of an audio taken from Radio Martì of the confrontation that took place on Sunday.

A woman shouts (probably Zapata Tamayo’s mother):
"A strong repression with offenses from the paramilitaries, State Security with terrible offenses...with terrible offenses...I scream at you...You’ve assassinated my Orlando Zapata Tamayo took his water assassinated my (Orlando) with premeditation.

"All you who listen, we will continue…here we go head on against repression…we are not afraid of you."
Many women shout:
"Zapata vive! Zapata vive! Zapata vive!"
A little later, another woman adds:
"...they surrounded us...military police with their blue uniforms...among them vulgar women, I sincerely hate to say so...Cuban women just like me...who conduct themselves in such form, no composure, so violent, saying many lies, because they have even offended Mrs. Reina Luisa (Zapata Tamayo's's mother), telling her, "I´m glad your son has died", and me saying: "Lord, forgive her, for she does not know what she is saying, for that boy was assassinated."(They) are as always directed by officers from State Security."
*The National Assembly of Popular Power, according to Castro's 1976 spurious constitution is home to the people’s ultimate representatives, all hand picked by the tyrant.


Complete Spanish audio of this confrontation -- from Radio Martí

UPDATED: Ladies in White Vs. Tyranny and Patrons