Cubaencuentro Sanitizes Pablo Milanes' Comments on Castro
A day after Pablo Milanes declared that Castro must be condemned if Cuban dissident and hunger striker Guillermo Fariñas were to die, has reported it as if it was "the fact", that is, Fariñas' death, that would have to be condemned, thus portraying it as if Milanes was not condemning either Castro.
However, a simple analysis makes it fairly obvious that Milanés was intending a condemnation of Castro, if Fariñas dies, for he follows by saying: "Ideas are discussed, not imprisoned."
Nevertheless, towards the end of the interview, perhaps realizing what he has said, he apparently attempts to patch things up and even defends the Castros.
Here is an excerpt of the interview (my translation of original in Spanish):
5-What strike does Castro deserve if Fariñas were to die?Yet, Cubaencuentro's headline is:
MILANES- Must be condemned from a human point of view. You don't do those things. Ideas are discussed, not imprisoned.
6- What have the revolutionaries done with the revolution?
MILANES- --Stayed fixed in time. And history must advance with ideas and new men. They have become reactionary to their own ideas. That's why I've said another revolution is needed, because we have little stains. The enormous sun born in 1959 has become full of stains proportional to its aging.
7- In which century will Cuba have its next elections?
MILANES- I'm not a soothsayer, I don't have a prophet's soul, but I would want it to be as soon as possible. More than elections, I would want change, for I don't believe in elections either. That's a "democratic game" (his quotes); that's also a farce.
+1 To which island would you take a deserted man?
MILANES- If I tell you, you'd laugh. To Cuba. To a Cuba with the Castros, but with adjustments.
"Pablo Milanés says that if Fariñas dies, the fact must be condemned."It then reports it as:
"Cuban troubadour Pablo Milanés affirmed in an interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo on Saturday, that one must condemn Guillermo Fariñas' death, from the human point of view, in case it happens."RELATED
Communist Cuban Musician Says Castro Should be Condemned If ...Sort of
Pablo Milanés Interview with El Mundo (transcript in Spanish)
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