Nov 18, 2010

Meandering Cuba

Once again Cuba's political police has intercepted the mother of a dead hunger striking dissident in whom Cubans' resistance to tyranny is converging. On Sunday, Mrs. Reina Luisa Tamayo's home in Banes was surrounded by the political police, who prevented her from going to church and to her son's tomb, as well as anyone from entering or leaving her home. Her associate Ladies in White were also kept out of the Iglesia de la Caridad and the cemetery. Meanwhile, a national resistance movement bearing Orlando Zapata Tamayo's name now has a wing in his hometown of Banes and another in Placetas. Its Secretary General is Mr. Jorge Luis García Pérez, also known as Antúñez, a former political prisoner and leader of the resistence in Placetas. Around 15 dissidents were reportedly arrested in central and oriental Cuba on Sunday.

On his end, after having broken his promise to release political prisoners, Mr. Raul Castro 'promised' it again. One political prisoner, Mr. Diosdado González Marrero, evidently a victim of psychological torture, again believed Castro and thankfully stopped the hunger strike he had begun to protest the cruel 4 month wait that ended in a lie.

Mr. Castro also called for another meeting of the so called "National Assembly" (a parliament hand picked by the tyrant's brother that last met in 1997) for 2011. Another political prisoner, Mr. José Daniel Ferrer García, soberly responded that Cuba didn't need another Communist Party Congress, that what it needed was a Constitutional Assembly. Of course, that (or better yet, reinstating the 1940 Constitution set aside by Batista's and Castro's coups) is what's obvious, but the Castros can't be the ones to organize it. Cuba's real leaders must be the ones to do that.


Cultural Dialogue But About What?

Ladies in White: "We´re Not Afraid of You"

Report of Attempt to Visit Antúnez and Cubans under Siege in Placetas

Don't Ask Stupid Questions

I know this may sound crazy but is Google part of Media blackout on Antúnez and the ongoing siege in Placetas?