Meandering Cuba 2 (Updated)
This time they are not on a hunger strike but have nonetheless been deprived of access to food and water for 5 days. Castro's political police has surrounded their home in eastern Cuba and reportedly thrown water in through closed windows, thereby breaking some. Meanwhile, Mrs. Reina Luisa Tamayo awaits for the ashes of her dissident son who died in the Castro regime´s custody while on a hunger strike in February. Supposedly, they will soon be given to her but then she will be banished to the United States under an agreement supposedly backed by the Catholic Church.
Mrs. Tamayo attends a Catholic Church in Banes from where she typically walks to her son's grave. But she actually prays to a mythological African (Yoruba religion) deity, whom she sweetly refers to as "my Changó". How is it that supposedly Catholic Cubans expect God's liberating help while worshiping idols instead of Christ?
(I'm very sorry for all that she has suffered but hopefully she is not participating in Catholic communion while worshiping her idol. She certainly cannot claim to be a practicing Catholic. It's astonishing and terribly offensive that she has been using a Catholic temple while praying to a false deity and not to the Blessed Trinity. Insuperable ignorance cannot explain this. Doesn't she see the crucifix inside the Catholic Church? Doesn't she listen to the gospel readings? The fact that there are probably numerous followers of Afro Cuban Santeria posing as Catholics and receiving communion is a terrible offense. Why hasn´t the Cuban Catholic Church put a stop to this sacrilegious syncretism? Why don't they explain to Mrs. Tamayo the difference between a mythological idol and the liberating God of history? It is their duty, just as it was Moses' to chastise Aaron when the Jewish people reverted to idols in the Old Testament.)
In their struggle, the besieged dissidents are pleading for the liberation of political prisoners, and now of American Citizen Alan Gross too. Additionally, they are asking (who? the tyrants?) that one's "liberty of movement" be respected, and for an end to death threats against dissidents, yet they only mention eastern Cuba.
But why don't they just demand that the tyranny step down? That would actually mean something. Dissidents are just not credible when they act as if asking a 51 year tyranny to stop being tyrannical meant something.
Meandering Cuba
The Catholic Catechism
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